How long does end of tenancy cleaning take?

End of Tenancy Cleaning is one of the most crucial steps of moving out procedure. It is important for both tenants and landlords to guarantee a smooth transition. It is one of the legal obligations according to local laws. So, making sure this cleaning is done in its best form is extremely important. 

There is this misconception that this cleaning always takes so much time, but to be honest this is not the full truth. There are various factors that determine the time that this cleaning takes. So, in this blog, we will cover those factors that determine the time length of this cleaning.

Factor no 1: Property size

Regardless of the service you are having such as End of Tenancy Cleaning Harrow, you can’t be sure of the time limit that service will take to clean your property. To better understand the length of time professionals take to clean your property, you should see the size of your property. 

The larger the property size, the more time it will take. For instance, if you have a one-bedroom apartment then it would take less time to clean it than a full-fledged six-bedroom home.

Factor no 2: Property condition

This one is significant. If during your tenure as a tenant, you maintained the place quite thoroughly and be mindful of its appearance, then you won’t have to put in much effort in the end. This automatically reduces the amount of time you need to spend to achieve a successful tenancy cleaning. 

However, if you weren’t quite attentive towards your place, then it would require much detailing to make sure everything is perfect.  This would definitely demand more time but if you consider our professional services then you can surely reduce this time.

Factor no 3: Required level of cleanliness

Mostly, landlord or property managers has certain demands that you need to fulfill. If the level of cleanliness they demand is quite thorough then cleaning time would be more. Also, the state in which your property is in matters a lot. If more people lived in the property then it would require more detailed assistance. 

Thus, to deal with that wear and tear to make sure the property is cleaned to your landlord’s demands requires meticulous care which in turn increases time. This is where our services like End of Tenancy Cleaning South London come into the picture to make things quick and best for you.

Factor no 4: Demand for extra cleaning services

Mostly landlords demand extra cleaning services, such as carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, and things like that. These cleaning services demand time to pay specific attention to it. So, you can expect that it increases the time of cleaning. On the other hand, if you don’t have to clean this much, then you can lessen the time of your end of tenancy cleaning.

Factor no 5: Cleaning supplies and services

If you are doing cleaning on your own then the selection of cleaning supplies matters a lot. Choosing too mild cleaners for areas like the bathroom and kitchen can significantly increase the time and effort on your end. So, selecting the right cleaning supplies is quite important.

Another alternative to this is you can take professional services like the one we are offering. Under our comprehensive services like End of Tenancy Cleaning North London, you can have professional yet quick cleaning. Our professionals are the experts in their work and their expertise will cut down the time significantly.

Factor no 6: Personal cleaning skills

If you are cleaning yourself then the way you clean matters a lot. As you are not a professional, you will take double the time to complete one task compared to professionals. However, if you like cleaning and are aware of tricks and ways to clean the place faster then you can complete the cleaning quite quickly. So, it all depends on the level of skill you have. 

Factor no 7: Pre-cleaning preparation

This one is quite important. Regardless of the fact that you are doing the cleaning on your own, or having services for the cleaning pre-cleaning preparation is important. If your place looks like a pig’s den with so much clutter around, then you can’t achieve the level of cleaning your landlord demands anytime soon. 

Thus, the best approach is you start decluttering your place way before you have to move out and do the cleaning. It will lessen the load on you or the professional service like End of Tenancy Cleaning Canary Wharf for the cleaning.


So, the summary up till now is, there are many factors on which the time tenancy cleaning takes depends. Thus, it is hard to say that this is the time tenancy cleaning takes. However, having professional services like ours can certainly reduce this time.

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